Thursday, March 10, 2011

Terwynd's Topics episode 1

Hello, This is Terwynd, and welcome to TERWYND'S TOPICS. I will be writing a mini-series here exclusively in the GAC about what's going on in the world, the facts, and my general opinion of what's going on. There will generally be more topics Game-related than others, so if you've never heard about the BP oil spill or the recent Battles in Afghanistan, no worries, You don't need to worry about it taking over the series wink So, without further ado, Let the First topic begin.
Video Games and Scammers

......... There are generally three types of people on the internet. Those that are Security-smart, those that aren't, and those who wish to take advantage of those that aren't. Why i'm saying this? Well, that applies to you. Are you smart enough to reject scams, are you not, or do you dish the scams out? Most people are smart about it. You know not to accept these ridiculous offers. BUT, if you are not, or if you are unsure of what is and what isn't a scam, then this post is for you.

........ Now generally, most, if not all scammers out there will treat you to an awesome deal, spice it up with some authenticity, then ask you for your username and password. Let me give you an example of a common scam:

Message from: WarWorldgiftz3568, lvl 1 Ninja
Congratulations! Your account, along with 49 other people have been selected to receive a prize of 100,000 virtual dollars in preperation for the upcoming WarWorld expansion: Revenge of the Necromancers! Go to www(dot)wtffakewarworldwebsiteomgz(dot)com, enter in your account information, and reap the benefits of the Treasures of the Ancients!
-Signed, the WarWorld Admins.

Now, let's look at everything that SHOULD CLICK TO YOU that this is a scam.

Message from: WarWorldgiftz3568, lvl 1 Ninja
Note the random Username, and the fact this is not an actual Admin to the game, rather, a level 1 ninja.

Go to www(dot)wtffakewarworldwebsiteomgz(dot)com
Take a look at the website URL, This OBVIOUSLY isn't an official WarWorld Website, and the fact he uses (dot) instead of just typing a "." indicates him trying to bypass the game's anti-scam censors.

enter in your account information, and reap the benefits of the Treasures of the Ancients!

Ok, this is why so many people lose their accounts. THEY GIVE OUT THEIR USERNAME AND PASSWORD. In fact, last time I checked, you only need to enter your account information if you're logging in. That's it. That's ALL you need your password for! If you give this to someone else, they can access your account and, if they decide to be a jerk, they can commit all the crimes they want against you, your friends and the community. You will be in a load of dung if you screw it up and give some random guy your password.

....... Now, let's go to a time where I myself was faced with a scam, back when I used to play Roblox. A guy, Who was impersonating an admin with a similar username, PMed me, and said that there is something wrong with the Veteran Accounts. He explained the "situation" and asked me for my username and Password on his website so he could reset my long-term account history. Now first of all, Back then, I nearly believed this load of dung. then I clicked on the link, it sent me to a blank page with the Roblox logo and ReeseMcBlox's avatar picture, along with an area where I enter my account info. It was then that I said "Screw this, this is a scam." and reported the offender to the Admins. He was IP Banned shortly afterwards. (The real Admins Notified me.)

Yeah, there are lots of people out there who want to steal your account. I'd talk about the whole debacle, but since there are kids on this forum, I won't. In short, If you get a Message that treats you to a reward or tells you to enter your account info to save your account, stop and think first. If looks too good to be true, it usually is.
I'm Terwynd, and this is Terwynd's Topics, giving you Nothing but the Truth, always.

Oh, I didn't mention the actual scammers? Oh... well, if you DO issue in-games scams out there, GET OFF OUR GAMES you swine...

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